Monday, August 10, 2009

Bye Bye Tequila.

Tequila is officially off my list.  

Ever since my birthday in March this year, I've had second thoughts about Tequila, especially Patron.  For the longest time, Patron was my liquor of choice.  It is the only liquor in my freezer; It is everything I loved since college; It is good, clear, and strong; It is what they make Mexican Martinis in.  During the June visit in the Bay Area, I again encountered and chose Patron as my shot to take, but little did I know, that was the last time I'd touch Patron again.  Patron and all of the Tequila family has officially been black-listed.  This past weekend, I was in Puerto Vallarta, where tequila was the main liquor for the city, the state, the country.  Every famous drink they were good at making practically had tequila as the main liquor.  The smell of it alone makes me want to gag. (Oh, trust me, I tried to sip a margarita and it was a no-go.)  Vodka is now my next liquor of choice.  I abused it on Saturday,  so I hope it doesn't bite me in the ass and induce vomit the next time I try to swallow. 

Leaving Tequila is very sad for me because I can never have another Mexican Martini....

1 comment:

JD said...

maybe instead of a "break-up" with tequila, u can try being on a break.

what if it's your lobster?!

p.s. i sooooooo miss mexican martini's! for that reason alone, i will go back to austin and visit!