Thursday, January 6, 2011

January suppose to be my month. I don't understand why it's starting out like this...with Shiwa's surgery and having to see Mori multiple times. We are suppose to be taking a long YEAR long break! But, Shiwa deserves to see him, and I cry at least once every time he's around. I seriously seriously need to get over it. It's been almost 3 months. That is my limit. I'll give you until 3 months KAREN! that's it. Maybe I need to date. But where the hell do you find quality men?! WHERE?!

1 comment:

JD said...

3 months is really ambitious, but cut your heart some slack in case your 3 month rule fails.

i think you're doing great! when you find out where the good men are, please let me know, haha!