Thursday, January 6, 2011

January suppose to be my month. I don't understand why it's starting out like this...with Shiwa's surgery and having to see Mori multiple times. We are suppose to be taking a long YEAR long break! But, Shiwa deserves to see him, and I cry at least once every time he's around. I seriously seriously need to get over it. It's been almost 3 months. That is my limit. I'll give you until 3 months KAREN! that's it. Maybe I need to date. But where the hell do you find quality men?! WHERE?!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


I know it's going to be way better than 2010. It's going to have love, happiness, career, and magic...ALL OF IT!
TO 2011!!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Seed Root TAM

Nirvana is happiness resulting from the absence of ignorance. This ultimate,
unborn, and empty nature of samsara and nirvana is what is meant by the syllable
TAM, the seed root of TARA.

Monday, November 15, 2010


This is how I feel today. A very rough cut.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lemonade Diet

Three years ago, at this time of the year, I embarked on a cleansing journey for the first time in my life. It did wonders for my spirit and body. It has been more than a year since the last time I have done the Master Cleanse without cheating. Since I will be participating in some videos in the near future and having felt like a whale for quite some time, my vanity has finally taken over. I will be doing the lemonade diet (notice I did not say cleanse) for weight purposes only. It's not about the cleanse this's about losing weight to look good...FAST. I don't have much time and this is the cop out method. Mori is against this idea after doing 2 lemonade diets within the past 3 years. He has vowed to never do it again. I am not like him. I need results now...and 10 days is the best I can find.

On July 5th, I will be happy and pretty again. Can't wait.

Friday, June 18, 2010

my new gig

I've always visited the store in SOHO everytime after I visit Marni because it's 2 doors down. The store was so expensive that the only thing I've ever bought were these beautiful one-off buttons by the cashier. But, things are different now! I finally get to adorn some of their beautiful hand crafted clothing. I will be part of the 45rpm team starting July 1st. Very exciting and a little nervous at the same time because of how strict the company is. They are Japanese with no pr behind their brand. They sell $800 jeans because each on is hand dyed with lots of TLC and every piece of clothing has a reason behind it. The name represents the uniqueness of each piece of clothing. A 45 rpm was a record that usually was a hit song. And they have taken that Hit song to having hit pieces every time. =)

I feel honored to be their walking ad. I love.