After coming back from Houston this time, I realized how nice it is to have all your friends and family together in the same place. All we did was eat, laugh, drink (i mean everyday! the best wines too), shop, and spent a lot of time together. All the past differences that we had or may have had dissipated within the swells of genuine love and caring, honest support, and innocence of babies. Either I have really grown up and learned to accept everyone's differences or we have ALL changed.

I went to Dallas as well with Mori to spend time with his family. I LOVE HIS FAMILY. They make me feel super warm. They're super sweet and inviting. One of the best part of his family is his mom's cooking. Formality is really important in Japanese culture, so the table is always set and the meal is big and complete. I love it! Even breakfast every morning is a feast. We also went to the new Japanese restaurant and Mr. Nagasako ordered me all kinds of fish because he knows i LOVE fish. Sweet right? yes.

Hanging out with the Boys was also fun. It brought back a lot of memories and how great they still are. All of them are so sweet and still goofy as hell. I am super happy that Tony found someone to spend the rest of his life with. He deserves the best and I believe he married her. =) Most of them all have significant others and I'm sure it's only a matter of time before they all get hitched. Isn't that how it usually is? A chain reaction sets off once one of the members start it all.
Partying in Houston is special to me as well. Houston is where my party roots are. I'll never forget all the times Vanessa and I snuck into clubs, pretending we were 23 at Spy when we were actually 16. It's been a decade since I've been hitting the clubs in Houston! The funny thing is, the crowd is pretty much the same. Going out always reminds me of all the fun we had back then, minus the crazy 4 horsemans, 3 wisemans, plus we have new possy memebers! The little girls (annie and irene) are all now legal. And to think...Annie used to take care of me at the age of 12. hahaha. But this weekend, I paid back my dues. hehehehe. The last night at Belvedere, we partied like rockstars in our booths and drinkin' Cris and Johnny.
I know I'll never live in Houston again, but I'll definitely have lots of reasons to visit. This visit told me that I don't hate it at all. I just can't live there. Long term humidity is no good for me! Plus, I gained about 5lbs there, so constant bingeing is not good for me as well.
It also made me super happy that Crystal spent so much time with me. She was practically family this week, picking up my mom, shopping with us, eating with us, going to the herbalist with us, partying with us, taking care of annie with us...I LOVE JUICY!
And Vanessa, no words can describe our sisterly bond. She's family, period.